Personal Computer World 2009 February
Burning & Media
GB-PVR 1.2.13
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Text File
221 lines
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml;
namespace gbweb
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Search.
/// </summary>
public partial class PhotoDirectory : Page
private Regex filter = new Regex(Global.Settings.photoFiles, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//If first time page is being displayed
if (!IsPostBack)
//Default the directorylist variable
string directorylist = "Photo~|";
//Get the photo libraries from the GBPVR Config File
XmlNode node = Global.Config.SelectSingleNode("/settings/PhotoLibraryDirectory");
//Create arrays to hold the libraries and directories within the libraries
string[] directories = new string[500];
string[] libraries = new string[500];
//If a Photo Library was found in the config
if (node != null)
//Get the list of libraries and directories from the node
directorylist = node.InnerText;
//Split eaach record from the node into a Libarary and Directory
string[] directorymappings = directorylist.Split('|');
int i = 0;
//Sort the array of libraries and directories
//Loop through the array laoding the Libraries and Directories to their own array
foreach (string directorymapping in directorymappings)
//If there is something in the library directory record load each piece to the array
if (directorymapping != "")
//Split the library directory record into the two seperate pieces
string[] mapping = directorymapping.Split('~');
//If there is a library found load the appropriate array
if ((directorymapping.Length > 0) && (mapping.Length > 1))
libraries[i] = mapping[0];
directories[i] = mapping[1];
//Increment the index used for loading the libaray and directory array
//Resize the arrays to free up unused space
Array.Resize(ref libraries, i);
Array.Resize(ref directories, i);
//Loop through each entry in the directory array to build the list of libraries and directories
//that is loaded into the tree
for (i = 0; i < directories.Length;i++ )
//Create a new set of nodes for holding all the info
TreeNodeCollection oNodes = new TreeNodeCollection();
//Call the method to build and load the directories for loading to the treeview control
BuildTree(directories[i], oNodes);
// Create a node for the library name
TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode();
//Set the node name to the name of the library
oNode.Text = libraries[i];
//Set the action to occur when the library node is clicked on
oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
//Loop through the nodes that contain all the directy and file information and load them into
//the library node....this makes them show up under the libaray
foreach (TreeNode tnode in oNodes)
//Set the library node to be collapsed
oNode.Expanded = false;
//Add the library node (which now contains all the directoy and file nodes) to the treeview control
//Set the images used by the treeview control to be like the windows file explorer icons
TreeView1.ImageSet = TreeViewImageSet.XPFileExplorer;
//Shrink the arrays down to 0
Array.Resize(ref directories, 0);
Array.Resize(ref libraries, 0);
#region Web Form Designer generated code
override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
// Recursively loops through folder structure and
// loads all folders and files into TreeView.
// Each iteration gets files and folders
// immediately within current folder.
private void BuildTree(string sPath, TreeNodeCollection oNodes)
// Load all folders in current path into array
string[] aFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(sPath);
// Loop through all folders in current path,
// create nodes for them and load them into
// TreeView
foreach (string sTempFolder in aFolders)
// Strip path out and retrieve folder name
// only
string sFolder = sTempFolder.Substring(sPath.Length + 1);
//Create node for folder and add it to
// Load all JPGs in current path into array
string[] aFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sPath, "*.jpg");
// Loop through files in current path, create
// nodes for them and load them into TreeView
foreach (string sFile in aFiles)
// Create node for file; add it to
// TreeView. Pass in path with file name of
// file (text for file node)
if (filter.IsMatch(sFile))
oNodes.Add(CreateFileNode(sFile, sFile.Substring(sPath.Length + 1)));
// Recursively call GetFolders method for
// subfolder
for (int i = 0; i < oNodes.Count; i++)
// If the node is a folder ...
if (!filter.IsMatch(oNodes[i].Text.ToLower()))
// Recursively call GetFolders method for
// subfolder
//BuildTree(aFolders[i] + "\\", oNodes[i].ChildNodes);
BuildTree(aFolders[i], oNodes[i].ChildNodes);
catch (Exception e)
// Create file TreeNode from specified path
private static TreeNode CreateFileNode(string sPath, string sText)
// Create a node
TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode();
// Set the display text for the node
oNode.Text = sText;
//Set the url of the node so that when clicked it activates the photo.aspx page and passes in the location of the photo.
//The path of the photo is serialized so that it can be passed around and is not readable by a human.
//The whole query string is set to utilze the download.ashx page to process the image.
oNode.NavigateUrl = "Photo.aspx?pic=" + Download.GetDownloadUrl(false, true, Download.InternalFiles.Photo, PublicDownload.Serialize(sPath));
// Point target for hyperlink to iframe
oNode.Target = "ifImages";
// Return the file node
return oNode;
// Create a folder TreeNode from the specified path
private static TreeNode CreateFolderNode(string sText)
// Create a node
TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode();
// Set the type to be folder
//oNode.Type = "folder";
// Set the display text for the node
oNode.Text = sText;
oNode.Expanded = false;
oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
// Return the folder node
return oNode;